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Warranty period

We provide our customers with a warranty period of 24 months, unless a longer period is specified directly on the goods. If the product, its packaging or the instructions indicate a period of use in accordance with specific legislation, the warranty period expires on the expiry of this period.


For cosmetic products, the date of minimum durability shall be indicated by the words 'Use by:'. The best before date need not be indicated on the packaging of a product whose best before date exceeds 30 months. For these products the symbol of an open cream container is used, inside which is an indication of the period of time for which the product may be used after opening. Thus, if the symbol indicates 12M, this means that the cream must be used within 12 months of opening.


The warranty period starts when the buyer takes delivery of the goods. The warranty period is extended by the time the product has been under warranty repair. If the goods are exchanged for new goods within the warranty period, the warranty period starts again from the moment of receipt of the new goods.


USED goods are not covered by the warranty according to the law, but the Rights of Liability for Defects in Goods (hidden defect at the time of sale) apply for a period of 12 months from the date of sale. Product liability for defects in used goods does not apply to defects caused by and arising from use and wear and tear. In the case of second-hand goods, the seller is not liable for defects corresponding to the degree of use or wear and tear that the goods had when they were taken over by the buyer.


Specifically, under Sections 2167 and 2165, the buyer is not entitled to assert a right under a defect that occurs in consumer goods within twenty-four months of receipt in the case of a used item for a defect corresponding to the degree of use or wear and tear that the item had when the buyer took possession of it. Furthermore, according to §2171 - If the thing has a defect for which the seller is obliged and it is a thing sold at a lower price or a used thing, the buyer has the right to a reasonable discount instead of the right to exchange the thing.


We fully understand that this statutory wording puts the consumer at quite a disadvantage when claiming the warranty on second-hand goods.


Warranty Card

If the goods do not come with the original manufacturer's warranty certificate, it is replaced by a sales receipt, which is always included in the delivery of the goods. This document is not obligatory for making a claim.


Making a claim

We endeavour to accommodate our customers at all times. If the consumer discovers a defect in the purchased goods during the warranty period, he has the right to claim it from us.


Please send the claimed goods (including, if possible, a copy of the sales receipt, the warranty certificate and, if applicable, a cover letter with a brief description of the defect) to our address.


If you are claiming cosmetic products because of an allergic reaction, please attach a medical report to the goods claimed, which we need for the claims procedure with our suppliers/manufacturers.


Address for making a claim:

Marek Citron
U Dobré Vody 267
273 08 Pchery


Contact for making a claim:

Tel: +420 608 347 666


It is also possible to make a claim in person at our outlets:

in Pchery, U Dobré Vody 267


We will inform you about the acceptance of the claimed goods within 2 working days from the receipt of the goods to the claim process in the form of a claim report sent to your e-mail address.


Complaint handling

We will process the claim within 30 days of receipt of the claimed goods. If the claim is not settled within this period, we will replace the goods with new ones or refund you according to your request.

The customer is informed by e-mail about the way the claim is settled in the form of a record in the claim report.

If the complaint is accepted, the shipping costs associated with the product complaint will be refunded to you on the basis of the confirmation sent.



If you have any questions, do not hesitate to contact us!

Tel: +420 608 347 666

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